One thing no presenter wants to be is monotone. We all know that if there is no vocal variety in your voice, then your audience will fall asleep. Here is one, easy to implement tip.
Actors and models know about this tip and now you can use it in your business presentations. When you're preparing for your business presentations, practice speaking with a smile in your cheeks. Yes, that's right, a smile in your cheeks. Not a full smile; you don't need to be shining your pearly whites through out the entire presentation. but something very interesting happens to your voice when you slightly lift up your cheeks when you speak.
You'll be surprised as to how your voice has more "flexibility". Having a small smile in your cheeks also helps with projection. Also, it sends a very strong message to your listeners. Remember, as much as 90% of what we communicate is through our body language and paralinguistic usage (tone of voice, rhythm, etc.). When you have a smile in your cheeks, your audience picks up on your confidence and a soothing tone in your voice. This is also very helpful for trial attorneys. When they have a smile in their cheeks, they become more likable to the jury. Actors, singers, and models all use this tip in a variety of formats. Now you can utilize it for your business presentations!