Thursday, October 11, 2007

On the Spot Presentations

It happens to the best of us. You don't see it coming. You're going through your normal day, then POW!, you have to give an unexpected presentation! It happened to me today. In the middle of Pilates class, I got a phone call from The Journal Record.

The reporter was working on an article about workforce training and was looking for my expertise in training the workforce in presentations. He was on deadline and wanting to do the interview quickly. I wasn't even close to being prepared! I was in my gym clothes in Pilates class. But this interview was important to me and my business. What was I going to say? "No, I'm sorry, I can't do this interview at the moment, I'm not ready to inform you of what you're asking for." NO.

I had to collect myself, gather my thoughts, and give a killer interview. Thank goodness giving presentations is what I do for a living!

It dawned on me, once again, how often we are giving presentations. They are so crucial to or professional AND personal lives. We never know when an occasion will arrise when we need to immediately present ourselves to the best of our abilities. Presenting matters!