Yesterday I was speaking with a potential client who gets it! He gets how speaking helps him brand, market and advertise his company. He gets that the more he is out there talking about his company, their technology, and their growth, the more his company will grow. He has a strategy that every business person should consider.
He plans to speak as much as possible. He knows that he'll need practice to reach his ultimate goals. You see, he is planning the start small, develop his skills, and reach the top of the food chain. Starting small he is going to speak at Rotary groups, association chapters, luncheon meetings. From there the word will get out to his prospects so they will look into his company's services. The goal is to make his phone ring!
After he develops his presentation skills and becomes a power-presenter, he's ready to move up the ladder. He'll gather his "speaker packet" and send it to meeting planners of national conventions of his target market. Then he will speak in front of hundreds of his ideal prospects! It is a strategy that is easily attainable and yet highly overlooked.
But before you can reach that perfect target rich environment, you need to be a power-presenter. Developing your presentation skills is critical because meeting planners will ask for a demo video, and if you're not good, you don't get the gig.
Think about how this strategy can apply to you, your business, and your goals for branding, marketing, advertising, PR, and sales.