Thursday, November 8, 2007

To Joke, or Not to Joke....

It's an easy trap to fall into. We try so hard as presenters to be pleasing to the audience. So we throw in a few jokes here and there, just to keep the mood light. But then, something happens. They laugh....and we like it!

So the next time we run a meeting or give a presentation, we try to fit in a few more jokes. And, oh my gosh, they laugh again! It's like a sweet nectar, an energy races through our body, and we get jazzed! So the next presentation we think, "Where can a fit in a joke here? Where can this cute story I just heard fit in? Oh, they'll think this is funny. I'll get a few laughs from that." And next thing you know, your 20 minute meeting is pushing 50 minutes. And your audience is tired of the jokes.

Sometimes a joke is just a joke. Of course it can be useful to tell a story here and there that gets a few chuckles and smiles, but it is your job as the presenter and the person running the meeting to always ask yourself, "Does this serve the point of the meeting?" When you are giving a presentation, everything you say should support the theme of your presentation.

It can become a hard battle to fight. Get a few laughs here and there feels great! But thinking in a business perspective, will the few laughs produce the results you're wanting from your team, your employees, your audience?