Monday, January 14, 2008

Is It The Right Message?

I had a very interesting experience last week that taught me a great lesson, and I'd like to share it with you. Not too long ago, I was working with a client of mine on a speech. He was the CEO of a financial investment firm and was wanting to speak to different groups of prospects, informing them of ways to make effective financial decisions. This way he was establishing himself as an expert in front of his prospects, giving them helpful information, and informing them of his services.

However, our work together was sluggish. One meeting we would decide that we had crafted the perfect message and then the next, he was wanting to start back at square one. It was frustrating to say the least. I never could quite figure out why our work wasn't "sticking". It wasn't until I met with him over coffee that I finally understood.

At the end of last year, he had shifted the focus of his business. Instead of working with the elite and wealthy, he was wanting to work with people who are struggling with their finances, people who could really use some help. Through a genius business plan, his business is rocking and rolling! And when we talked, he was able to communicate his message and his passion with more clarity  and energy than I had ever heard him before. He was excited and his thoughts we so well connected and structured he could have given me a 45 minute keynote on the spot! He had found his right message.

As a speech and presentation coach, this was a very important lesson for me to learn. In the future when I meet with a client who isn't allowing him/herself to connect to the message that we're working on, I will have to ask them, "Are you sure this is the right message? Is this what you really want to share with the world?" 

As a speaker this is some very important information you need to have. While you're working on your speech, if it feels like you're taking two steps forward and three steps back every time you want to rework it, you might want to ask yourself, "Is this the right message? Is this what I really want to share with the world?" Because once you find the right message, trust me, the words will spill out with unbelievable ease. Your thoughts will be clearer your energy will be through the roof! Finding the right message can transform you as a speaker. So ask yourself, "Is this the right message?"